Tid och plats
19 juli 2023 10:00 – 30 juli 2023 16:00
The Nut House, Almungevägen, 194 92 Upplands Väsby, Sweden
Om evenemanget
Fika is life! When people fika (fee-ka), they take a break, unwind, or just enjoy each other’s company. They share conversations over a delicious cup of coffee and eat customary Swedish or other favorite pastries. This September, the American Swedish Historical Museum is pleased to present an exhibition of original watercolors by Jan Padover featuring various desserts traditionally served during fika. Learn about Sweden’s long history with coffee and how these foods became a treasured pastime loved by people all over the world.
About the Artist:Jan Padover is a native San Franciscan and also studied in Sweden, where he earned a degree in Graphic Design. Jan has taught art in both the San Francisco and Swedish school systems over many decades. For the past fifteen years Jan has also been associated with Prospero Art, publishers of numerous posters and cards featuring Jan´s art, the latest being Fika Playing Cards featuring the art displayed in this exhibition.